Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Sunrise and Sunset

What does sunrise and sunset means to you? Different people has different feelings when they looked at Sunrise and Sunset. Some of them are even "describable"... It was a feeling deep down in your heart... Some feel HOPE, some feel STRENGTH, some feel WARM, some feel ENERGETIC, some feel COOL, what ever words that might describe your feelings. Why does people wake up as early as 4-5am and drive for 2 hours to go to some where they like to watch the sunrise? Or after a whole tiring day of work, rushed to watch the sunset?

For myself, I felt that Sunrise brings HOPE, Sunset brings WARMNEST...
日出带来希望,日落带来温暖. What do you feel when you looked at the photo below?

It is a sunrise photo that I took a few months back. Of course it's hard to determine whether it's sunrise or sunset from the photo. But if you are there... you will feel the cool breeze air... Take a deep breath and you will feel energized, full with HOPE to face the day... I believe that we all faced quite some challenges in our everyday life. When you feel so... take a deep breath and say to yourself "I can face it". Your life will be much better!

Whereas when I face the sunset... I feel WARM... it would be a peaceful night to relax... Hope you all enjoyed the sunrise and sunset at your place too (",)

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